Dental Sedation For Stress-Free Appointments

At Planes Dental Arts, sedation dentistry in Port St Lucie, we understand that many patients experience anxiety and/or fear when receiving dental care, which is why we’re happy to offer a range of dental sedation options, including nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV sedation in Port St Lucie, to help facilitate a relaxed and comfortable visit.

What is nitrous oxide sedation?

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a safe and effective way to reduce anxiety levels during treatment. It is easily administered via a mask, wears off quickly after the patient’s treatment or procedure, and has no lasting side effects.

What is oral sedation?

Oral sedation is a form of medication administered orally approximately one hour before a dental visit. It helps patients feel more relaxed and comfortable during their dental visit and takes effect quickly after ingestion. While patients may feel slightly groggy during their dental service, they remain awake and responsive throughout.

What is IV sedation?

Intravenous sedation is a viable option for those who require or prefer a more significant sedation effect. Administered with an IV line, it takes effect almost immediately and provides patients with a calming, relaxed dental experience. Patients who utilize this sedation remain conscious during their visit and are able to respond to our team.

Who should consider dental sedation?

Those who suffer from anxiety or fear of dental treatments, as well as those undergoing a lengthy or complex procedure, are likely to be good candidates for sedation dentistry.

If you are interested in learning more about dental sedation and IV sedation in Port St Lucie and its benefits, contact us today. We look forward to helping you experience a comfortable and stress-free visit!

Dental Sedation

Contact Planes Dental Arts About Dental Sedation Today

  • Feel relaxed during dental procedures
  • Eliminate anxiety
  • Receive multiple services at once, if needed
  • Choose the sedation option that best meets your needs
  • Prioritize your oral health!
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